Parish Life

The Parish Life team organizes fun and fellowship at Emmanuel.  We also assist with special events like weddings, funerals,  and all sorts of unique Parish gatherings.  If you need our assistance, just contact the Parish Office at 706-543-1294.  If you have the gifts of organization, planning and personal touch, you're a perfect fit for our team.  Send us an interest form, and we'll be in touch. You can also email,

And keep reading to learn about some of the ways you can join the fun.

Greeter Ministry

We open our Prince Avenue front doors for a half hour every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. to welcome

the community to the 10:30 service.  Share your friendly smile and a moment of

conversation with folks as they come to worship.    CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP!   

Host Coffee Hour

What's a Sunday morning without a cup of coffee and a few minutes to catch up with your fellow parishioners?  Sign up to host the coffee hour from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.  In the summers, we serve lemonade on the Memorial Garden walkway.   Sign Up Here

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